We help churches create amazing and engaging online worship services!

People will watch online before they attend in person!

Online Church Service Evaluations
Online Engagement Strategies
Church Coaching Community

Your church's first impression is no longer made when people visit your church. Now, it is made when someone watches your church services online!

New Circumstances Require Leaders To Try New Strategies

You get one chance to make a first impression, so who is providing your team feedback?

Every church should be evaluating its online church services to ensure it is of the highest quality for its online audience.

Does your church have a plan to move 'online viewers' to 'in-person engagers' from your online services?

Every church needs to find new ways to connect and engage with its online audience through its online church service platforms.

Is your staff members equipped and prepared for all the challenges your church is facing?

Your team members could thrive learning in a one-on-one and/or a collaborative coaching environment with other church leaders.

Our Professional Services

From a virtual platform, Bridge The Gap (BTG) provides professional feedback on each programming element during the church service. The BTG team includes Service Programming/ Technical/Music Directors with over 20 years of combined experience. One of our Production Specialists will evaluate a recorded service to give your team recommendations plus ideas to improve the overall quality and experience from an online audience's perspective. We also understand and respect that every church is different. Our goal is to guide and equip your team to ensure your church's online service is the best it can be with the resources your church has available. Let us 'Bridge The Gap' where your church's online service is now and where it needs to be!

Online Church Services Evaluations- We will evaluate your church's recorded worship services utilizing our GCW Framework. Each evaluation will provide honest feedback and recommendations from one of our experienced Production Specialists to your Production Team. The written report will provide a detailed summary for each of the programming elements during your worship service (ex. welcome content, transitions between songs, professional feedback for each worship song, details on the quality of the audio mix, etc., but this report does NOT include feedback on the sermon/message).

After your team member(s) has reviewed the evaluation, our Production Specialists will schedule a call to answer any questions they may have (at no extra cost). Our goal is to equip your team with easy to implement solutions that will make your online service the best it can be for your online audience.

We believe this is an amazing opportunity for churches to reach more people than ever before. Why not create the best possible first-time impression, as well as an amazing experience for your regular online audience. Every Sunday, your team makes sure people attending in-person have a wonderful experience, so why not take the same approach with your online services? To make this as easy as possible, we have created two affordable monthly plans that will work for any church budget!

Online Engagement Strategies- With COVID disrupting in-person attendance at every church, everything has changed! A new engagement strategy will require churches to be proactive and create new ways to connect and communicate with people BEFORE they come to an in-person church service. Church leaders need to rethink more effective ways to utilize their online platforms (social media/online services) to reach more people in their communities and ultimately inviting them to church. We call this process for churches "Going From Digital To Physical"

The great news, we can guide your team through this opportunity by using our V2E (Viewer to Engager) Funnel! The goal of the V2E Funnel is to systematically move 'online viewers' to 'online audience participates' to 'in-person attenders' to 'in-person engagers' at your church. This template will give your team a resource to begin the process of building and tracking relationships with people online before they attend your church in person. Your website is no longer the entry point for new people to check out your church...it is your online platforms (social media/online services), so now is the time to start using them more effectively!

For a limited time, we are offering our V2E Funnel for FREE! All you need to do is email us, and we will be happy to share this information with you. Also, if your church signs up for one of our Online Church Service Plans (see below), our team will provide additional ideas each month. This way your team is constantly being equipped and is prepared to be successful in this new ministry area.

Church Coaching Community- BTG is excited to help launch this unique and innovative coaching service for churches. Our affordable plans include one-on-one personal coaching, one-on-one ministry coaching, and/or a collaborative coaching environment for each of your team members.

The goal of each of the plans is to grow church leaders personally as well as professionally. Each plan includes one monthly Zoom call for each participating member. Your team members will have the opportunity to learn from one of our experienced coaches, plus from other church leaders serving in the same ministry area. Now that is an innovative concept, and we are confident this will make your team better! Take advantage of this opportunity, so please contact us today!

We will guide your team to create an unbelievable online experience for your online audience!

Let us start today! We will evaluate one of your church's online services to demonstrate how we can make it better!
Fill Out Evaluation Form

Fill out our simple FREE Online Worship Evaluation Form to get started.

Let's Talk

We'll schedule a FREE / NO Obligation Consultation Call.

A Simple Plan

You can select a plan listed below, or we can create a customized plan to meet your needs.

Sense of Peace

Now, you have an experienced team always finding ways to make your online services better!

Online Church
Service Plan 1

No Obligation / No Contract
  • Full Assessment Of A Current Online Church Service
  • Monthly Membership Provides Bi-Weekly Evaluations (2 per month) Of Your Online Worship Service Utilizing Our GCW Framework
  • Provide Recommendations and Creative Ideas To Improve Your Overall Worship Experience
  • Provide Ideas To Connect and Engage With Your Online Audience Better Utilizing our V2E Funnel
  • Monthly Membership Gives Access To Our Church Coaching Community Plan (1 Coaching Call Per Month)
  • Email and Phone Support (24 Hour Response Time)

Online Church
Service Plan 2

No Obligation / No Contract
  • Full Assessment Of A Current Online Church Service
  • Monthly Membership Provides Weekly Evaluations (4 per month) Of Your Online Worship Service Utilizing Our GCW Framework
  • Provide Recommendations and Creative Ideas To Improve Your Overall Worship Experience
  • Provide Ideas To Connect and Engage With Your Online Audience Better Utilizing our V2E Funnel
  • Monthly Membership Gives Access To Our Church Coaching Community Plan (2 Coaching Calls Per Month)
  • Email and Phone Support (24 Hour Response Time)

Church Coaching Community Plan

No Obligation / No Contract
  • Full Assessment Of Current Coaching Needs
  • Monthly Membership Provides Access To Our Personal Coaching Framework
  • Monthly Membership Provides Access To Our Peer-To-Peer Framework
  • Monthly Membership Provides Access To Our Collaboration Church Framework
  • (2-8) Coaching Calls Per Month (number of calls will be based on the church's needs)
  • Provide Additional Staff Training Ideas
  • Direct Email Access To Our Coaches For Your Participating Staff Members

Don't waste this unbelievable opportunity to reach more people in your community that may have never been to your church before!

More and more church leaders are realizing their online worship services can be a vital part of fulfilling the mission and vision of the church in the coming years. If this is the case, then churches need to allocate additional resources to their online church service platform.

We believe this is a wise investment because, in this new normal, your church can reach more people than ever before! Don't wait any longer because our team is ready to take your church's online services to a new level of excellence!

Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life.
Proverbs 19:20 NLT

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20 NIV

We Can Go Further, Faster.....Working Together!

You and your team have faced so many new challenges, and there is no reason to go through this season alone! This partnership can accelerate the momentum your church is experiencing with its online church services or 'bridge the gap' between where your services are and where it needs to be.

The innovative and effective services we are offering (Online Church Service Evaluations, V2E Funnel, and Church Coaching Community) will produce immediate results for you and your team. Now more than ever before, it is time to invest in your church's online platform.

We are confident that one of our Online Church Service Plans plus our V2E Funnel will provide an immediate return on your church's investment. Not in our lifetime have we seen so many people watching church services on their electronic devices. What an amazing opportunity to reach, connect, engage, and invite your online audience to attend one of your church services in person! Wow!! Don't let this opportunity slip away!

By taking advantage of our Church Coaching Community, your team will be equipped and coached to meet the challenges every church will be facing in the new future. No church leader can use their experiences to navigate through the post-pandemic, so why don't church leaders learn from each other? Every church will be facing similar challenges, so let's find a way to work together, experience community with other church leaders while solving similar issues! Now that is a BOLD vision, and we want you to be part of it!

The bottom line, BTG wants to improve the quality of your online church services while equipping your team. Our desire is for your church to reach more people, create community with other churches, and have an environment where your staff can grow personally/professionally.All this can happen right now by taking advantage of one of our affordable services. Don't delay any longer, and get in touch with us today!

Online Church Service Evaluations
Online Engagement Strategies
Church Coaching Community